Sims3 Shopping Along Henderson Avenue

Song:  Urban Green by Lim Kim

Click on images to enlarge  點圖可以放大喔

Alpine County

Built with all Eps up to Island Paradise
World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime,
Supernatural, Seasons, University, Island Paradise

模擬市民3 , 世界歷險記, 夢想起飛, 夜店人生, 花樣年華, 完美寵物, 華麗舞台,
異能新世紀, 四季, 大學生活, 島嶼天堂, 前進未來.

My Patch Level:  1.67


Store Items used: (not included) 使用的商店物品 (不包含喔!)
**It's Business Time Industrial Oven and menu  餐廳物件

**Before downloading, there are some things that you need to know:

1.  It is a very big file about 414MB, it will take 10~20 minutes to install and place it in game.
Be sure to make a backup of your game folder:
“My Documents/EA/the Sims3/DCcache” before installing the lot.

2.  I used this mod:  OMSP Resizer  to enlarge the store signs.  It is not included in the file, so the store signs are different from the pictures above.
(The mod does not require for the lot to work)

3.  There are a few items I used in this lot need more time to load.  These files are very large you can delete them to make the lot runs more smoothly: (many thanks to 17mars)
(1) Bau's leaning book file in the bookstore
(2)the Cupcake Food Board decor file, in the cupcake shop
(3) the Nolen Book files, in the bookstore
(4) the Curio Bedroom Big Tree. in the restaurant

It's a community lot, The lot is set as salon by default.  There will be two stylists, one NPC for the cafe stand, a bartender, and two cashiers. They will show up when the shops are open. I made the lot for my Sims to go shopping.  I was quite surprised by the size of it.  Sorry about that!  :P

Download the lot

If you need the library file can be downloaded here


1.  這個房屋檔案非常的大約414MB, 所以在安裝的時候會花5~10分鐘的時間和放置在地圖上.

所以建議再安裝此房屋之前先備份遊戲資料夾 以防萬一 :P
“My Documents/EA/the Sims3/DCcache” 資料夾

2.  我有使用這個補丁來將商店的招牌放大: OMSP Resizer  此用地的房屋檔案並沒有包含此補丁  (此補丁並非必須安裝!)

3.  我有使用一些物件需要多點時間讀取, 放置用地之後如果需要的話可以刪除他們, 讓用地跑得更順暢:
(1) Bau's leaning book 斜靠的書本於書局內
(2)Cupcake Food Board decor 杯子蛋糕愛心板子於杯子蛋糕店內
(3) Nolen Book 書本於書局內
(4) Curio Bedroom Big Tree. 黃色楓葉樹於餐廳內

我做此用地來讓我的小人可以工作和購物, 我自己也很意外此房屋檔案居然這麼大...我老是會放太多東西到我的用地裡, Sorry~  :P

此用地設定為沙龍, 會有兩位造型師, 一個咖啡店員, 一個酒吧店員, 兩個收銀員, 在開店時間會出現在用地上.